Paul Sciortino

(pronounced Shore-tino)
for Vermont House

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Representing Cambridge and Waterville
In the Vermont House of Representatives

Paul Sciortino has lived with his family in Cambridge for over 35 years. He and his wife have two children and two grandchildren. Has two dogs, a cat, and fish.  His children attended Cambridge Elementary and graduated from Lamoille H.S. As an involved father, Paul is a past Director of Cambridge Youth Soccer. He was soccer coach for CES, Lamoille Middle and High School, VT ODP and Premier teams.

Paul was a founding member of the Cambridge Rotary. He is a 360 nonprofit council member and volunteer. He is also a Cambridge Community Center supporter and volunteers his time there.

Paul graduated from SUNY @ Oswego, Oswego NY with a Bachelor of Science degree in
Education and put that degree to work as a high school teacher. Paul's other experience includes manager of a restaurant; owner and inventor of soccer company Soccerteer; and 35 years in the medical industry. Paul has been retired for 3 years.

The Democratic Super Majority has the “We are smarter than you” attitude.

We need to balance the legislature by voting in candidates that have a central, more moderate approach. National and State Government legislatures are designed to have checks and balances, it was set up that way in the Constitution for good reason. The citizens of Vermont have lost that benefit.

Super Majority trying to Save The World but not your Neighborhood and Wallet.
Your vote for Paul this November will mean the difference between a future both you and your children and grandchildren can afford.